Titel |
2021-08-08, Deauville, 5. R. - Prix Maurice de Gheest, 8. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2021-07-11, Deauville, 4. R. - Prix Jean Prat, 1. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2021-06-18, Royal Ascot, 3. R. - Commonwealth Cup, 5. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2021-05-16, Naas, 7. R. - Lacken Stakes, 4. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2020-10-04, Longchamp, 1. R. - Prix Jean Luc Lagardère - Gra..., 3. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2020-09-13, Curragh, 5. R. - National Stakes, 7. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2020-08-09, Curragh, 3. R. - Phoenix Stakes, 4. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
2020-07-18, Curragh, 6. R. - Railway Stakes, 1. Platz, Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018 |
Besitzer bei
Titel |
2021-08-08, Deauville, 5. R. - Prix Maurice de Gheest (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018) |
2021-07-11, Deauville, 4. R. - Prix Jean Prat (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018) |
2021-06-18, Royal Ascot, 3. R. - Commonwealth Cup (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018) |
2021-05-16, Naas, 7. R. - Lacken Stakes (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018) |
2020-10-04, Longchamp, 1. R. - Prix Jean Luc Lagardère - Grand Criterium (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2018) |
2020-09-13, Curragh, 5. R. - National Stakes (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2017) |
2020-08-09, Curragh, 3. R. - Phoenix Stakes (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2017) |
2020-07-18, Curragh, 6. R. - Railway Stakes (Laws of Indices (IRE) 2017) |
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