Auktions-News National / BBAG
The covid-19 pandemic has caused disruption to many areas of human activity, including the thoroughbred sales season. All over the world sales have been cancelled, or had their dates and venues changed or have been conducted entirely online. However the market has held up well and there still seems to be plenty of demand at all levels. The Australian yearling sales did well and so have the Northern hemisphere sales, so far mainly for horses in training and N.H. stores. weiterlesen »
Noch wirft die wichtigste Auktion des Jahres, die BBAG-Jährlings-Auktion, die am 04. September über die Bühne gehen wird, ihre Schatten voraus, da muss man sich schon Gedanken machen, welches Pferd man als Züchter oder Besitzer bei der nächsten Auktion anmelden möchte.